1395280690 Surikaten.: Aaand banned, and his comments removed. Such a pointless spree. 1395279556 Hotline_101: @Hellomynameis99_, Yes, looks like he/she needs an IP ban just incase.. Why did he buy this "stupid" app 1395272274 Hellomynameis99: Keep an eye on this too seeds://sAO3YzNzATM_ 1395272174 Hellomynameis99: Ahh, you won't believe the number of reports I got. You may view the upload for yourself here: seeds://sQOwYjNzATM_ I've moved it to private for the time being. 1395240315 Frios10: Considering the user disobeyed and cussed out a moderator and others...ban. And glad to see u back!