1402457043 toughguy42: Wow. I emailed JN this exact same thing a week ago! 1402237069 Hellomynameis99: Yep, I think we need an in-app ticketing system where only moderators can see tickets to let users report in confidence. Perhaps the reporter should be able to see the reports they've made too. Until then, I think we should have a universal report thread uploaded on the MinecraftSeeds account. 1401895313 Hotline_101: Yep, It would work well that way, JN, step up to post one under the MCSeeds account? 1401893630 Hellomynameis99: @TheCanadianFluffy, I agree, that's why a report ticketing system would be nice. People can report users in complete confidence. 1401891019 TheCanadianFluffy: @Frios10, That would be good! 1401890998 TheCanadianFluffy: @Hellomynameis99_, I reply and remove the comment. Its easier to see whats done and Im sure people want to have here reports kept private :~) 1401889801 Hellomynameis99: @Frios10, Yup :-) 1401889303 Frios10: @Hellomynameis99_, somthing like that 1401889291 Frios10: @Hellomynameis99_, I think tree should be a section where you can report to and you have to report in a manner like Users name: What happened: Link to proof: 1401888784 Hellomynameis99: @TheCanadianFluffy, Thanks :-P Do you like to reply to your reports or do you just remove them once you've dealt with them? 1401888263 TheCanadianFluffy: That is a great idea! I hope this does happen :~)