1403968240 Hellomynameis99: @Minecraft Seeds, thanks for the warning. 1403968151 Minecraft Seeds: Btw side note guys, app might risk going down again in a few minutes due to the server providers finalizing the patches so the downtime issues don’t occur again. The downtime might occur for a brief 10-20 minutes depending on the amount of servers that need to be brought back up again. Sorry about this, will try get the app back up ASAP in the case it goes down again. 1403968059 Frios10: @Hellomynameis99_, yea I've seen a lot of duplicate comment reports 1403968040 Minecraft Seeds: @Hellomynameis99_, alright, perfect! :-) 1403968019 Hellomynameis99: @Minecraft Seeds, The duplicated comments have condensed back into one... Strange, but I'll keep an eye out for any particular causes and effects. 1403967991 Minecraft Seeds: @Hellomynameis99_, hahaha got to keep it rogue so it doesn’t attack! ;-) 1403967963 Hellomynameis99: @Minecraft Seeds, I just realized that the thread image is a Jaguar... You're hiding that beastie everywhere! 1403967936 Minecraft Seeds: @Hellomynameis99_, sure 1403967903 Minecraft Seeds: @Hellomynameis99_, hahaha yeah I saw, quickly refreshed and they went from 25 to 5, speeedy gonzalez! 1403967888 Hellomynameis99: @Minecraft Seeds, Aaand there seems to be a comment duplicating bug, I'll get you a link. 1403967858 Hellomynameis99: @Minecraft Seeds, I saw! :-D Hotline and I cleared the 20 reports in record time :-P 1403967818 Minecraft Seeds: @Hellomynameis99_, noww should be fully functional again! :-) If it occurs again don’t hesitate to fire another comment or email as it seems like the server providers are still patching a few things up and aren’t ”officially” recovered yet. 1403966707 Hellomynameis99: @Minecraft Seeds, nice, can't wait! :-) Thanks for the update, hope all goes well and the app is fully functional again soon :-) 1403965320 Minecraft Seeds: @Hellomynameis99_, @TheCanadianFluffy, Sorry about this, this is due to some minor database issues our server providers are experiencing, which caused parts of our db to go down. They are working on getting them back up and running ASAP, should be up hopefully in an hour at best. Sorry about that. Regarding the notification suggestion that feature was planned but didnt make it for this update. It will be included in the next coming patch :-) 1403964454 TheCanadianFluffy: @Hellomynameis99_, Yeah I just found out more users are having problems with their profile loading! 1403964357 Hellomynameis99: @TheCanadianFluffy, Nope, I've got the same issue, though only with the reports section. The problem seemed to manifest after my client was unable to connect to JN's servers for about half an hour... 1403963491 TheCanadianFluffy: I seem to be having issues with loading the Reports section. Im not sure it its my internet connection because my PM and profile also isn't loading. 1403959752 Hotline_101: Thanks to you JN staff! This will really (As Hello said) make things much easier! 1403939513 Hellomynameis99: Is there a possibility for a feature to send a short message to users when we resolve or delete a report? This would allow us to say things like "Use the ignore feature for mild issues like this" or "Thanks for the report, but please don't reply to the user in the manner you did as it can inflame the issue". 1403936357 Hellomynameis99: Seems to be much more responsive than my report thread, which can crash the app if it has too many reports! 1403933548 Frios10: Wow I can't wait to test this out! 1403932796 Hellomynameis99: Very slick system... Nice job! :-) 1403932587 Surikaten.: @Pykirknh, swiping the report leftwards in the list will bring up the two buttons 'Delete' and Mark as resolved. Mark as resolved for the reports that were valid and have been dealt with (Fires a thank you notification to the reporter that the report has been dealt with) and 'Delete' for spam-reports or reports about things that don't violate the rules :-) 1403931571 Bob Ross: @Minecraft Seeds, how do I close or dismiss a report? 1403921698 Minecraft Seeds: Btw the small text underneath the reporter name is the message they submitted along with the report :-) 1403921483 Hotline_101: Removed my post and sent a new one asking users not to abuse the new system 1403920561 falkirknh: @Hellomynameis99_, maybe that was me. 1403920547 falkirknh: Just closed my first report! :-) 1403920513 Hellomynameis99: Who took the first report? 1403920396 Hellomynameis99: @Hotline_101, Same, just had to download the update from the App page, not the updates section. 1403920393 falkirknh: Wow awesome! This will make moderating so much smoother! 1403920083 Hotline_101: @Hellomynameis99_, Downloaded it :) 1403920073 Hotline_101: Expect spam with this :/ 1403919934 Hellomynameis99: @Hotline_101, I was about to say that... Perhaps I should have checked before I commented :-) 1403919863 Hotline_101: Hmmm, doesn't appear to be up yet 1403919824 Hotline_101: Wooh! Awesome! 1403919813 Hellomynameis99: Pfft, I don't have time to read that. Updating now! :-P I'll be back soon.