Where can I Upload?

#################### Hey guys! After collecting the information from my previous thread on the board, I present to you, the list! Yeah, it sounded better in my head. This is a draft for a series of uploads I'll post later in the week. Your input is appreciated! :-) Surikaten., if you wish to upload this through the main account, just fire me a PM and I'll send the text to you in an email. #################### Please read this carefully if you are unsure where to upload or if you have ever been notified about uploading in the wrong section. What can I upload in... General Forums? (Link to "Forums - What can I upload here?") Off-Topic? (Link to "Off-Topic - What can I upload here?") Private? (Link to "Private - What can I upload here?") What can't I upload? (Link to "What Can't I Upload?") Thanks for helping us keep the forum clean. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, ask in the comments section below. -- The Moderation Team
