1412065263 Hellomynameis99: @Pykirknh, reports issued by moderators in this manner can be found in the notifications page within the app. Warnings issued by JN pop up like a message box when you open the app, so it's hard to ignore. Even if a user disregarded warnings, they can still be banned, so it's in a user's best interests to take heed to warnings. 1412060805 Bob Ross: @Hellomynameis99_, doesn't that mean a user could completely disregard warnings by JN just by erasing notifications or disabling them from Seeds Pro? 1412060745 Bob Ross: @notsfdude, wow you're active 1412060223 Hellomynameis99: If you really must keep something private, you can issue a warning and then remove your warning later. The warning will be displayed in the user's notification list but not in the comments section, similar to warnings issued by JN. 1412058896 TheCanadianFluffy: @bubblybabs, If you reply to a report we bypass the both people following each other part :~) 1412052879 bubblybabs: To PM requires both people follow each other. Is there not a way for mods to bypass that? 1412049990 notsfdude: This is to reply to users publicly and like Wolfdata said, private talk is either PM or a report response. 1412048495 DimplesCS: @Pykirknh, oh yeah :P forgot about that 1412048449 Bob Ross: @Wolfdata0521, report responses 1412048431 Bob Ross: Other than normal, PMS, there is no way to talk privately with users unless it's a report response 1412048425 DimplesCS: The only way for a private talk with a user is via pm, other than that everything else is public