Report Guidelines

Hey peer moderators! (Random pic of me btw) I have come to see that the report feature is often abused and over used. Around 30 percent of the reports i deal with are either many of them from the same thread, or are just reports about someone saying "stupid" and if you think about it, a lot of unnecessary reports start piling up. I know that all of us have lives and other obligations, and that our time on Seeds Pro is our own choice to spend our time. Well, when I do come on to deal with reports, I don't think anyone has time to resolve 40 reports that say "Severe profanity" when the person being reported just says "stupid" or "ugly, or reports that are simply spam from trollers who have nothing better to do than just waste our time. (START READING HERE IF YOU WANT TO GET TO THE POINT AND ARE ALREADY BORED OF READING 4 PARAGRAPHS) There should be more ENFORCED guidelines about reports , such as a mute for 24 hours if someone spams more than 80 reports a day, or more information about what is "report worthy." Sorry if I worded it in a confusing way, I just want to hear if anyone else has had these thoughts too.
