1412176339 Hotline_101: @Wolfdata0521, Same, I just went into Highschool, so I'm very busy lately. 1412173909 DimplesCS: @Pykirknh, dude I got mine in 2010 you can blink and the battery dies I used it so much:P 1412145030 Bob Ross: @Wolfdata0521, I've had an iPhone 4 NO S for 3 years in still fine. 1412144983 Bob Ross: @TheCanadianFluffy, yeah that's mostly what I was worrying about. 1412138984 TheCanadianFluffy: I think that psychiatrist part was a little harsh. Everything else was fine I think. 1412138051 DimplesCS: @toughguy42, true dat 1412137952 toughguy42: @Wolfdata0521, yup. I've got an essay, A few math pages, and 2 Tests to study for. Pfft, studying is overrated 1412137872 DimplesCS: @toughguy42, yeah I have that problem too, I get caught up in a game or something else and do homework really late like right now 1412137816 toughguy42: @Wolfdata0521, it both sucks and is pretty cool. Main screwup is that I procrastinate. Soo, homework at 3am is usual 1412137747 DimplesCS: @toughguy42, that's living large 1412137701 toughguy42: @Wolfdata0521, yeah, scraping past with full honors, football, and an addiction to video games 1412137635 DimplesCS: @toughguy42, eh that's the life, really all you need for homework 1412137596 toughguy42: @Wolfdata0521, and barely this 1412137556 toughguy42: @Wolfdata0521, yup. All I can really do is calculator, google, The dictionary, and Instagram 1412137506 DimplesCS: @toughguy42, dang that's dinosaur tech right there 1412137457 toughguy42: @Wolfdata0521, yup. 6.1.1 jailbroken 1412137434 DimplesCS: @toughguy42, arn't you on ios6? 1412137376 toughguy42: @Wolfdata0521, yeah, I can't play any games. Like seriously, half my apps aren't even compatible anymore 1412137317 DimplesCS: @toughguy42, that's dedication 1412137255 toughguy42: @Wolfdata0521, still rocking the iPod 4... It's 4 years old... 1412137185 DimplesCS: @toughguy42, :D wow I thought you were one of the "dead" moderators, I feel you though I had a iphone 4 and it took 3hours to load a report so I upgraded to a 6 1412137052 toughguy42: @Wolfdata0521, I'm on almost every day... My device is just to old to deal w/ reports, and it crashes when I try to upload, but apart from that, yeah! I'm active! 1412136713 DimplesCS: @toughguy42, your active now? 1412128510 toughguy42: @Pykirknh, nice! I tried to get all fancy, ended up talking about rainbows I think. 1412128274 Bob Ross: @toughguy42, it's been 10 mins since I told him that and I think he is consulting an encyclopedia plus a dictionary just to decode my message 1412128069 toughguy42: @Pykirknh, haha 1412128041 Bob Ross: Wow guys I uploaded this in the restroom 3 minutes ago and instantly you responded 1412128035 Hellomynameis99: Seems alright. If you're not harsh, some never learn. It's hard to know where to draw the line. 1412128008 Hotline_101: @toughguy42, Yeah. 1412127989 toughguy42: Like I just realized that comments auto refresh 1412127971 toughguy42: I feel so old school... 1412127949 Hotline_101: The Four have spoken... xD 1412127933 toughguy42: I think it's fine. The community needs to understand that we are actually real people, not robots. And we have our own opinion 1412127925 DimplesCS: A little harsh I tend to limit my time with the young ones, they don't know much:P 1412127896 Hotline_101: Not greatly, this guy is pretty much one of those people who rage and blame others.