1415918484 Hellomynameis99: @bubblybabs, He's talking about my peeling of eyes :-) 1415892899 bubblybabs: @Hellomynameis99_, ??? 1415886560 Hellomynameis99: @Pykirknh, It is, I wish I'd never done it! 1415867833 Bob Ross: @Hellomynameis99_, sounds painful... 1415810288 Hotline_101: He's always been doing that. Might be time for an official warning. I 1415809999 bubblybabs: @Hellomynameis99_, Yeah, I know it was a month ago. But how many others did he do this to. He was the one relentlessly attacking me on my Atheist post and acting not so very Christian. He's not the nicest person. 1415807641 TheCanadianFluffy: I think I've seen him around recently just dont remember what he was doing. I'll watch for him. 1415801324 Hellomynameis99: All these comments are from one month ago - is emerald still a problem? I'll keep my eyes peeled :-)