1418229733 bubblybabs: JN said they will do IP bans on those who have been banned before and give warnings to those who have not been banned before. 1418207469 bubblybabs: @Pykirknh, I dunno, I kinda thought the prancing pretty humorous myself. I could imagine it, yup. 1418205726 Bob Ross: Ranting*, sorry for the prancing silly autocorrect 1418205709 Bob Ross: Prancing and hating on an app for kids, very time wasting 1418205684 Bob Ross: They're just wasting their life 1418205633 Bob Ross: LEL what nubs they gonna get rekt by the ban hammer little scrub lords 1418140218 Frios10: Now we're getting somewhere 1418123014 bubblybabs: Sent JN an email. 1418111360 TheCanadianFluffy: @Frios10, Agreed. Let the ban fest begin! 1418109571 Frios10: Let's just ban them all. They all have history and clearly want to find every way possible to test us. Plus if it's not allowed in comments and threads why should it be allowed in links? It's not like those are there actual accounts