Bye everyone :)

I started using this app over two years ago and I have seen awesome things come about since I posted my first upload. It has been one heck of a journey. This app helped introduce me to the greater Minecraft community which has given me numerous opportunities and I wouldn't have managed to do these things without this community. It is because of this that I feel indebted to this app. I have stayed here through thick and thin and through bouts of inactivity because I felt I had to. The issue I find is that this isn't helping anybody, if I fly a flag and say I am active, but in reality only stop by every week: how am I helping the app or its users? I want to be clear with everyone, I am leaving. I have college applications to setup, marks to keep up and projects to maintain. Will I come back from time to time? Probably, yes, but it isn't safe to depend on my activity anymore. I have great admiration for the work that has gone into this app and am happy to have gotten to play a part in it. I am going to be hanging around checking my PMs for a bit, but if I am not responding, you can try me via email at
