1393988265 Frios10: [WARNING] YOUR READING OF THIS WARNING IS BEING NOTED. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. YOUR WARNING WILL WARN A WARN. [WARNING] 1393947433 TheCanadianFluffy: ... Well then... 1393768599 Hellomynameis99: Warning: This warning is warning warners that warned warnings warned to warners that warnings will be warned. You have been warned. May this warning serve as a warning to all other warners that wish to warn warners. 1393734201 Hotline_101: Warning, stop using warnings to warn 1393721783 Hellomynameis99: @Mad Man T1zer 53, Strange... I think using the 'warn user' function causes that... 1393721718 Mad Man T1zer 53: @Hellomynameis99_, um that's weird, your comment box isn't red 1393719856 Hellomynameis99: @Mad Man T1zer 53, You are being warned to stop warning with warnings! :-P 1393702067 Mad Man T1zer 53: TESTING!!!You are being warned for warning a warning.WARNING 1371078000 Bob Ross: Test test testing!!!!! Testing!!!! DO THE HUSTLE! 1370473200 Hellomynameis99: @Surikaten., oh, ok. :) 1370473200 Hellomynameis99: @#Herobrine#, thanks :) 1370473200 Surikaten.: @Hellomynameis99_, using the dev version right now. It will be fixed in the upcoming update which should be out early next week 1370473200 Bob Ross: @Hellomynameis99_, and welcome! 1370473200 Bob Ross: @Hellomynameis99_, he does. 1370386800 Hellomynameis99: @Surikaten., its not giving one to me... Do you have the latest version? 1370386800 Surikaten.: @Hellomynameis99_, yeah in my version it is 1370386800 Hellomynameis99: @Surikaten., is this giving you a warning? 1370386800 Surikaten.: @Hellomynameis99_, testing 1370386800 Hellomynameis99: Disregard this 1370386800 Hellomynameis99: @Minecraft Seeds, I've found that you can warn a user (not the uploader) by tapping reply, then leaving the reply box and then reporting... Glitch or feature? 1370386800 falkirknh: @#Herobrine#, they ask us all. There is a help topic about it just read it briefly. 1370386800 toughguy42: @#Herobrine#, it's in the FAQs... Tell them to look there 1370386800 Bob Ross: @Minecraft Seeds, is it okay if I make a thread telling people how to become a mod? I'll just tell them to email you and help mods out. Nothing descriptive. People keep asking me, and it's starting to annoy. 1370300400 Bob Ross: Test testing... 1369004400 Surikaten.: @Hotline_101, ah ok gr8 1368918000 Hotline_101: @Surikaten., that 1368918000 Hotline_101: @Surikaten., He were Aperantly out of country, he just emailed me about they 1368918000 Surikaten.: @Hotline_101, hmm dunno they usually reply within like 1-2 days, probably will reply asap 1368831600 Hotline_101: @Surikaten., but the AO hasn't answered a single email I sent in the last week:? 1368658800 Surikaten.: Testing another thing 1368486000 Surikaten.: @toughguy42, we currently can only do it over email - which is best because then we can exchange emails back and forth instead of a one way convo 1368313200 toughguy42: @Minecraft Seeds, I really like the warning feature, but how do we report users? 1367794800 Minecraft Seeds: @Belly326, no only warn the uploader of the seed with this feature for now. We'll improve this in the future so it works for users who commented as well 1367794800 Surikaten.: @falkirknh, i use the dev version of the app to check for potential bugs etc =) 1367794800 falkirknh: @Surikaten., where did you do all this testing before we had this section :) 1367708400 Xxxxxddddd: So we can't warn people with no uploads? 1367622000 Surikaten.: Testing last one 1367622000 Surikaten.: Testing possible bug with comment textbox 1367535600 Xxxxxddddd: T e s t 1367535600 Xxxxxddddd: T e s t 1367535600 samellis: T e s t 1367535600 falkirknh: He'll 1367535600 Xxxxxddddd: I like this new warning feature 1367535600 Surikaten.: Testing "He'll" bug 1367535600 AndrewDill: @falkirknh, yea that was basically a test. Took me a minute to figure it out. 1367535600 falkirknh: @AndrewDill, well I think if you look at your comment you can answer that yourself :) 1367535600 AndrewDill: So this is how you use warnings? 1367535600 toughguy42: I'm warning you... You better stay awesome! :) 1367449200 Surikaten.: @Belly326, hey 1367449200 Surikaten.: @falkirknh, uh oh! :3 1367449200 Hotline_101: @Belly326, Hey Belly 1367449200 Hotline_101: Im warning you MCSP... xD 1367449200 Hotline_101: @Surikaten., Im warning you xD 1367449200 Xxxxxddddd: Hello guys 1367449200 falkirknh: Surikaten. I warn you stop using warnings :) 1367449200 Surikaten.: Kewl :-) 1367449200 Surikaten.: Testing