1398633228 Frios10: @Surikaten., ok! 1398630059 Surikaten.: @Frios10, for sure :-) But a fast response is not guaranteed as the account is still based on the dev comp and lacks proper push support. 1398629070 Frios10: @Surikaten., so can we PM minecraft seeds now? We are all being followed. 1398256010 Surikaten.: @AndrewDill, ah excellent! :-) Which version were you using before when it wasn't working?? Just curious for future reference in case someone else stumbles upon the same issue. 1398142611 AndrewDill: @Surikaten.,Got the new app update today and can now use URLs. 1395901756 Surikaten.: @AndrewDill, yeah that could be the issue. I think the oldest version of iOS functioning properly with this feature is an early 6.1.x one. 1395893267 Hotline_101: @Hellomynameis99_, I didn't, MCRB sent him a warning though 1395877844 Hellomynameis99: iAreC4* Apparently he was 'cussing more than Mexicankidd!' 1395877757 Hellomynameis99: Who removed the thread "STOP IT!"? I've received many reports about IAreC4's language on this upload. 1395810342 AndrewDill: I'm running an older IOS...That might be the problem. 1395280988 Surikaten.: @AndrewDill, hm that's strange. What device and iOS version are you running for the app? 1395032864 Frios10: @Hellomynameis99_, well let's just ask him! 1395032849 Frios10: @AndrewDill, that's very strange. 1395009424 Hellomynameis99: @AndrewDill, That is strange... Surikaten. Knows best, perhaps there's an issue with your device or iOS version? 1395009359 AndrewDill: @Hellomynameis99_,Nothing happens... 1394785259 Hellomynameis99: Try seeds://swIDN0ADN 1394785225 Hellomynameis99: @AndrewDill, That's strange... All you have to do is tap 'copy URL' in the upload you want to share, then paste it in a comment or PM. To view a link, tap the comment in which it is present and select the link from the popup menu. 1394765798 AndrewDill: Hey guys how do I use the seed URLs?I can't copy them or tap on them.The app is up to date. 1386633859 AndrewDill: @Hotline_101,Ok. 1386633795 kathryncrusher: @AndrewDill, I dont have a skin but any bacca skin would work :D 1386604625 Hotline_101: @AndrewDill, You should just use the skin stealer, as suggested by Hello :) 1386604193 Frios10: @AndrewDill, u can look mine up on a skin stealer or I could email it to u later 1386584980 ฿จடτ~τhཇ~ᏝεᏩεлd~ᏝᎥghᎿлᎥภg~ཡᎧโf: @AndrewDill, dinolover4ever 1386575203 Hellomynameis99: @AndrewDill, You can use the skindex and related websites to download a skin (without the owner's consent! :-), which would be much easier. Everyone's PC username should be in their profile, or you can ask them, I suppose. Can't wait to see the result!! :-) My username is Hellomynameis99 1386571785 AndrewDill: Hey guys can I get all of your MC skins?I'm gona try and put together a"Merry Christmas from the Seeds Pro mods"thing so send them to AndrewTDill@gmail.com.If you don't have a skin that's ok. 1382190707 Frios10: @Hellomynameis99_, post It on the mod board and we will have a party with pizza and drinks! 1382189058 Frios10: @Hellomynameis99_, mmh thanks! 1382189029 Hellomynameis99: @Frios10, I'll post some to you! :-) 1382189002 Frios10: @Hellomynameis99_, I want some... 1382188956 Hellomynameis99: @Frios10, I actually had some really nice pizza tonight... Not the takeaway stuff, but real gourmet Italian style pizza... 1382185123 Frios10: It's...a...big...world. In minecraft 1382185094 Frios10: ... 1382154075 Frios10: And the pizza is good! 1382153781 Hellomynameis99: AAAND your comment vanished! :-) 1382153713 Hellomynameis99: @Surikaten., one or the other... I said private as it limits the amount of people who can see it. Still, it's the user's content and they may do what they wish with it :-) 1382146236 Bob Ross: ELEMENT 115 DR. LUDVIG MAXIS DR. EDWARD REICHTOFEN THE GIANT WUNDERWAFFE DG2 RAY GUN UNUNPENTIUM ORIGINS A GREAT LEAP FORWARD ABIGAIL BRIARTON (Sexy!) MARLTON JOHNSON ThIs Is An ExAmPle oF SPAM IN MY THREADS 1382103474 Hotline_101: Necro-bump FTW! 1382081635 Hellomynameis99: @AndrewDill, Explicit pictures should be deleted, and the uploader officially warned... For pictures of a user... They don't really break any rules. If it has nothing to do with minecraft, move the upload to private... :-) 1382079374 Bob Ross: @AndrewDill, ... 1382074412 AndrewDill: Hey do we have a rule against posting pictures of yourself and others on the app?I know that we encourage not to but should I warn users that do? 1382067243 kathryncrusher: Wow, this is old 1382006194 Hellomynameis99: @Belly326, True... With the last post 130 days ago, this would be a necro bump on any other forum... 1370646000 Xxxxxddddd: Nobody uses is chat anymore lol 1370646000 Xxxxxddddd: I'm glad they fixed PE bugs 1370473200 Hellomynameis99: @Surikaten., ok, thanks :) 1370473200 Bob Ross: New update that fixes the warning bug :-) 1370473200 Bob Ross: @Surikaten., Hellomynameis99_ is ignoring me :-( Also, I do look forward to the 1370473200 Surikaten.: @Hellomynameis99_, i think report them unless they have lots of commenters/readers, if so then unless something crazy goes on in the thread i think it's fine, that's what i do :-) 1370473200 Surikaten.: @Belly326, late this week / early next 1370473200 Hellomynameis99: What are we meant to do about love chats? (Still learning, and I suppose that's a good thing :-) 1370473200 Xxxxxddddd: When will the new seeds pro come out 1370386800 falkirknh: @Surikaten., the dev says it has been fixed in your version 1370386800 falkirknh: @Surikaten., yes it is and it has been working perfectly 1370386800 Surikaten.: @falkirknh, is this new in 3.0.6? 1370386800 falkirknh: @Surikaten., strange I haven't had this issue before. I emailed the developer. 1370386800 Surikaten.: @falkirknh, both are for me, hmm really weird 1370386800 Surikaten.: @falkirknh, hmm could be that im using v3.0.7,, it might be a bug in 3.0.6 1370386800 falkirknh: @Surikaten., yours isn't red for me? 1370386800 Surikaten.: @falkirknh, yeah 1370386800 falkirknh: @Surikaten., does mine appear red? 1370386800 Surikaten.: @falkirknh, working for me 1370386800 falkirknh: This is meant to be warning. It just isn't red. Incredibly confused about it :( 1370386800 Surikaten.: Testing.. 1370386800 falkirknh: @Belly326, idk 1370386800 Xxxxxddddd: @falkirknh, why isn't your warning red? 1370386800 falkirknh: @#Herobrine#, :( nooooooooooooo..... Will reboot to check 1370386800 Bob Ross: @falkirknh, it doesn't have a green button in the middle when I am in a post in the moderators board. 1370386800 falkirknh: @#Herobrine#, why not 1370386800 Bob Ross: @falkirknh, no I can't. 1370386800 falkirknh: @#Herobrine#, my warnings aren't showing as warnings for me 1370386800 Bob Ross: @falkirknh, ok 1370386800 falkirknh: @#Herobrine#, can you test the warning feature for me. Just right on this thread. 1370386800 Bob Ross: @falkirknh, but I'll take your word 1370386800 Bob Ross: @falkirknh, I think that's because you're a mod too. 1370386800 falkirknh: @#Herobrine#, I see it now. 1370386800 Bob Ross: @falkirknh, how long does it take to show? I was dealing with a bully and I told him that I was a moderator and he didn't see the badge. Nor do 3 other users when I asked them as a test. 1370386800 Bob Ross: @falkirknh, oh also my badge is not showing 1370386800 falkirknh: @#Herobrine#, It's fine 1370386800 Bob Ross: @falkirknh, oh sorry, but I didn't test out the hiding thing on Belly. I maybe did it by accident. Sorry :-( 1370386800 falkirknh: @#Herobrine#, Stop it its annoying. You have to reload the thread. 1370386800 Surikaten.: @falkirknh, can you reply to my PM? 1370386800 Xxxxxddddd: @#Herobrine#, you hid my comment.. 1370386800 Xxxxxddddd: @falkirknh, Herobrine 1370386800 falkirknh: Who removed my comment? 1370386800 Bob Ross: @falkirknh, I did it but nothing happened to the user's comment. Let me try again. 1370386800 Surikaten.: Falkirknh can you eeply to the PM? 1370386800 falkirknh: @#Herobrine#, you never know 1370386800 falkirknh: @#Herobrine#, or it could hide the comment 1370386800 falkirknh: @#Herobrine#, it blows up the world :D 1370386800 Bob Ross: @Belly326, also, what does the new blue button do? 1370386800 Bob Ross: @Belly326, thanks :-) 1370386800 Xxxxxddddd: @#Herobrine#, I knew u would someday become mod :) 1370300400 Bob Ross: @Belly326, hey! >:-) 1370300400 Xxxxxddddd: @#Herobrine#, hello newbie 1370300400 Xxxxxddddd: @falkirknh, o.o 1370300400 falkirknh: I warn you it to do whatever your are doing :-) 1370300400 Bob Ross: Oh wait, I got it! 1370300400 Bob Ross: @Belly326, I've got a question. How do you make a Warning comment on a thread that is red? 1370300400 Bob Ross: @Llizoizzo, hello! I'm new too! 1370214000 Surikaten.: Hijacking thread to test sth 1369522800 falkirknh: @AndrewDill, why of course 1369522800 Xxxxxddddd: @Llizoizzo, welcome to moderating! 1369522800 AndrewDill: @falkirknh,Can you add Llizoizzo to your mod list thread? 1369436400 falkirknh: @Llizoizzo, Are you new? I'm falkirknh welcome to moderation! 1369436400 Llizoizzo: Or, maybe we could add a rank lower than mod, that only deals with bullying 1368399600 Hotline_101: @toughguy42, A Good deal of those are fakers wanting followers 1368313200 toughguy42: I don't think we should add more mods, but there is still a LOT of bullying. I'm worried about that part. There have even been users saying they would kill themselves. That's one of the main things that worries me. 1367708400 Hotline_101: @AndrewDill, Yah, only 7 mods actually use the app these days 1367708400 Xxxxxddddd: @AndrewDill, yeah I guess you have a point 1367708400 AndrewDill: I think we have enough.The current number of moderators seems to be completely fulfilling their purposes,so why would we need more mods? 1367622000 Xxxxxddddd: @Surikaten., I think we have enough mods but maybe we can add 1 or 2 more 1367622000 Surikaten.: Should there be new mods?