1391054866 Bob Ross: @Hotline_101, I completely and utterly and gleefully and vengefully and joyfully agree. 1391029088 Hotline_101: Did some more research, now he's just saying whatever he wants and so far, hasn't gotten temp banned, I say we ban him for the time being, still waiting for input guys.... 1391023787 Hotline_101: Gonna Necro Bump this.... Recently, Spooder has gotten himself into quite a bit of trouble... He put the F word on at least one of his posts... I had to remove the post, and he may of posted another post with the F word... As well as various flaming comments 1370473200 Bob Ross: @Hellomynameis99_, yup :-) 1370386800 Hellomynameis99: He has admitted to bullying and I believe he's trying to be better.... I agree with letting him stay, but if anything else happens I will reconsider... 1370386800 Bob Ross: I think if we ban him, JN will lose clients because people will be unhappy and leave. I think we should just keep warning him. 1368572400 falkirknh: The comments here are messages up :D 1368572400 falkirknh: @toughguy42, yeah me neither we go back along time well before moderators or forum threads. 1368140400 Hotline_101: @AndrewDill, Hes also very unpopular with others, he's threatened to start follower wars 1368140400 falkirknh: @toughguy42, I don't have time for arguments but ask him yourself I have known him have been trying to get him to stop before anyone knew you were a moderator. Even before I was a moderator I asked him to stop. So I think that statement of yours is incorrect. 1368140400 AndrewDill: The thing is,we will have lots of people unhappy with us if he gets banned.He is a verry popular user. 1368140400 toughguy42: Okay, sorry. I thought I was the first. I didn't mean to start an argument. He just has not been very fond of me... 1368140400 falkirknh: @Surikaten., yeah he used to cuss about me and other users he stopped when he realized it could get home banned. He is smart. 1368054000 Xxxxxddddd: He's a good guy but some people just bully him so he just posts bad threads about them. 1368054000 Surikaten.: Ok i see I was suspecting something like that and couldn't find any cusswords or anything 1368054000 falkirknh: When he gets angry he gets mean and says nasty things. Although in all of the recent cases he was deliberately provocted. 1368054000 falkirknh: I have a long history with him but I believe he shouldn't be banned. He actually tried to stop but people keep bullying him. I have known him for perhaps the longest and have had maybe the most fights with him but I don't think he should be banned.