1376002800 Bob Ross: @Frios10, ...meow. *cough cough*....RAAAAAWWWRRR 1376002800 Frios10: @#Herobrine#, lol 1376002800 Bob Ross: *RRROWR!* 1376002800 Bob Ross: @Frios10, oh he's not just annoying...he's a cuss spammer as well as an aggressive predator. 1375484400 Frios10: @#Herobrine#, people like him are annoying did you delete his comment? I delete them from my thread 1375484400 Bob Ross: @Frios10, he's called me a fa**ot. 1375484400 Frios10: @Belly326, I want him banned to. He spammed my report thread. Do you know how many comments I've had to delete on there because of people like him the past few days? 1375398000 Xxxxxddddd: That kid just admitted he's REAL_DEADLOX too me in PM 1375398000 Xxxxxddddd: This is on my thread avatars #9