1379372400 ฿จடτ~τhཇ~ᏝεᏩεлd~ᏝᎥghᎿлᎥภg~ཡᎧโf: @Surikaten., thank u there was to much for mw to delete 1379372400 Surikaten.: Ok that escalated quickly.. Both have been warned and had their comments removed 1379372400 Bob Ross: 1. That's incredibly inappropriate 2. She didn't even spell sémen right 3. This is a minecraft app 1379372400 ฿จடτ~τhཇ~ᏝεᏩεлd~ᏝᎥghᎿлᎥภg~ཡᎧโf: @Hellomynameis99_, really? 1379372400 Hellomynameis99: This isn't the first time that TeenWolfStiles has been inappropriate like this in a Roleplay... 1379286000 Hotline_101: Id say so....