1379732533 Frios10: @Hotline_101, no kidding but he's out of the pic now 1379727640 Hotline_101: Austinwiltse's story makes no sense, we aren't gonna let bullies be free on this app, and hey, it's not the fault of the mods that he got bullied 1379719341 Frios10: @AndrewDill, I've noticed people never seem to reply to you :-| 1379545200 AndrewDill: @#Herobrine#,What do you mean? 1379458800 ฿จடτ~τhཇ~ᏝεᏩεлd~ᏝᎥghᎿлᎥภg~ཡᎧโf: @#Herobrine#, he didnt even know i was one. my name too long 1379458800 kathryncrusher: @#Herobrine#, ??? 1379458800 Bob Ross: FRAMMIT NOW FLUFFY AND BOLT ARE MODS WE NEED NEW SLEEPER AGENTS