1381236102 Frios10: @Bolt~the~Legend~Lightning~wolf, yea I mean he's a treague lol 1381169289 ฿จடτ~τhཇ~ᏝεᏩεлd~ᏝᎥghᎿлᎥภg~ཡᎧโf: @Hotline_101, heres the thing Bacca kept telling me to ask teague. then on another thread i saw him post teague is his only friend so idk 1381164432 Hotline_101: @Bolt~the~Legend~Lightning~wolf, Do you REALLY trust TEAGUE? 1381108253 ฿จடτ~τhཇ~ᏝεᏩεлd~ᏝᎥghᎿлᎥภg~ཡᎧโf: @Hotline_101, teague told me in imessage 1381108229 Hotline_101: KickChick? How do we know he's attempting to test us?