The future of this app?

Some of the comments for this app have given me a reason to doubt this community, firstly, moderators, look into what you've done in the last few months... Most of you have abandoned the job, some users are even accusing us of being corrupt, and when I think about it, are we? How are we sure we aren't "abusing authority". I think we should rethink how we moderate, I say this, we have ALL the users vote on whether the mods should remain on this app, or be "removed" by JN, excluding JN staff, To JNInteractive, I'm sure you guys never meant for such issues with mean kids on this app, and I think you meant well by adding things like the forums section, commenting, and even followers, but I think this system has corrupted the app community, some things like the follower system, I believe, should (At least in part) be removed, as it's messing up the community, also, I think moderators can't do the job of a moderating a 5 million member community, I think you should add a in-app banning system, if a person is to use a letter, FOR EXAMPLE (Dâmn) that they get a automatic warning, and, if they don't listen, they get a ban, maybe after trying this three times, btw, the accented letters seem to get through the filter (áéòïü), maybe you guys can fix some of this. TO YOU: The users, You guys and girls make or break this community, you have helped morph it into what it is, you made some of the greatest forums and seeds, you helped make this app into what it is now, BUT, some of you have also helped ruin this app, by getting pulled into fights that aren't worth fighting, or perhaps, making the fights, this ISNT Twitter, or Facebook, you won't just get away with cussing and fighting, we should all have a code of respect, at least, for eachother, I know this is wishful thinking, but, if we start handling this app like we do real life. We can return this app to what it used to be! Before many of the problems from the "Bad Apple Community Members" began, I am not one for going with the flow, I like to look into problems, try to solve them, but sometimes, I'm too zealous, and I do in some ways "Abuse Authority", we are all human, and I think, we have all abused our authority to keep the peace on this app, again, why I think JN should have you users vote, via the news section perhaps. To the Top 25 You've earned your way by posting some AMAZING stuff, but I think that many people view the Top 25 as a sort of thing that you can do anything you want to to get up there, spamming, and the like, I propose that JN removes the following list, as it only seems to make people gain a hatred of some of the Top 25ers because "They don't deserve it" These are what I think on this app's future, think about this, you moderators, and users, and Top 25ers, and please put your input in on these ideas. Hotline_101 :)
