1385626346 Surikaten.: Ugh, that is nasty. Great that you reported it asap. The user has now been banned hopefully it wasnt visible for tooo long 1385601389 Hotline_101: @#Herobrine#, Oh yah... That... I wasn't sure how reportable that was 1385560627 Hellomynameis99: That's disturbing... I have no idea what goes on in some people's heads (nor, quite frankly, do I want to know!! :-). I believe this constitutes a ban. Don't forget to remove the image from your device (Although you probably already have) 1385539025 Bob Ross: @Hotline_101, naked fat baby... 1385529260 ฿จடτ~τhཇ~ᏝεᏩεлd~ᏝᎥghᎿлᎥภg~ཡᎧโf: I don't even want to know... 1385522969 Hotline_101: That's what I'm wondering 1385511319 Frios10: Wht was it...