1387661353 falkirknh: It's defamatory and we owe it to our former team member to remove such posts. 1387652320 kathryncrusher: He is arguing about them at not removing them :/ 1387649684 Frios10: Well looks like nothing's changed bolt still fights with people after we told her to ignore them....what can ya do... 1387599556 Hotline_101: @Hellomynameis99_, Yah... Not everyone seems to like her 1387599509 Hellomynameis99: @Hotline_101, Yeah, a lot of this is due to provocation from users such as Black~Death. I can imagine that she would be quite embarrassed with the situation... 1387599342 Hotline_101: @Hellomynameis99_, She certainly has been, you may just not of seen it, at any rate, the pic about her saying what she said on the first pic was because Black~Death was flaming her 1387599287 Hotline_101: I noticed, removed 2 of them earlier today... 1387598394 kathryncrusher: @Hellomynameis99_, I'll ask him not to post them but say if he see's anything really bad PM me. 1387598266 Hellomynameis99: Hmmm... I see no reason to have these threads on the app, but I didn't know Bolt was doing this...