Moderator List

Hey Moderators, Here's a current list of all the mods, along with active and inactive listings, if I spell your name wrong, forgive me, and let me edit your name in :) The "first wave" of Moderators.... Surikaten. (Developer For JN--- Active) -Gino- (Developer For JN--- Active) Piraten (Developer, and stealthy ninja For JN--- Active) Falkirknh (First "Well known" moderator and Moderator Of MC Forums--- Inactive, except on occasions when he visits) Toughguy42 (One of the first Moderators--- Inactive as far as I know, can we buff the status to semi-active Toughguy?) Samellis (Seed Poster--- Actively posts seeds, and, I believe, moderates in secret) The "Second Wave" of moderators, not sure who came first, but this is just an estimate Belly326 (Creation builder--- inactive) Andrewdill (Seed Poster--- Active, still moderates as far as I know) Bubblybabs (Seed Poster--- Completely inactive) Lilozzio (Posted 2 seeds--- Currently suspended from being a mod due to inactivity) Myself (Creation Poster--- Currently Active) The third and "Current Wave" Hellomynameis99 (Seed Poster And Awesome Coder--- Active) #Herobrine# or Pyrkirk, or whatever he changed his name to today (Creation Poster--- Active as of a few days ago) Frios10 (Forgot you Frios, sorry about that--- Semi-active) Mad Man T1zer (Our Creation Man!--- Overall inactive) Bolt or Fluffyhulk (Most active moderator---Active, though suspended, planned to return to moderating sometime soon) And last but not least! Canadianfluffy (Everyone's favorite Canadian Wookie!--- Active, though somewhat overlooked by people, hopefully this page will help bring people to her with reports :) ) And finally, there are new mods planned for later this week, so I'll edit them in once they are appointed. Hotline_101
