Off Topic Content

We're waging war on the off-topic content! We need you! Well, I've noticed a lot of off-topic content in the general section. A few weeks ago, a couple of mods were cracking down on all the non-Minecraft content, however that seems to have sprung up again. We need to educate the community on what can be uploaded where, so when you move an upload, please tell the uploader why you have done so. I encourage you to discuss what to move in the comments so we're all on the same page. For example, I think User Battles are spam and should be in off-topic, but you might have a different opinion, and I want to hear that. The List Please note that this is not final. User Battles --> Off-Topic Follow for Follows --> Private Shoutouts --> Private "Pink Sheep" --> Off-Topic/Private Follower Milestones --> Private "PinkSheep" is a general term for uploads that can be Minecraft related but don't contribute to discussion, such as "I found a pink sheep!" Uploads.
