Navigation Suggestion: Tabs

Note - Enlarge each image to view properly. Hey guys! Just another little suggestion. This one concerns app navigation. It aims to reduce navigating backwards to find another upload or item. Introducing... Tabs! Tabs can be opened by the "Tap and Hold" iOS gesture, shown as the green hand with a timer. You can Tap and Hold any SeedsLink, Upload, List or User to open the resulting page in a new tab, preserving your previous page. Simply tapping the item will open it in the same tab, exactly what happens currently. See Image 1. Open tabs can be accessed by swiping upwards from the absolute bottom of the screen, to prevent interference with scrolling. Tab list - Image 2 Prevent Scrolling Interference - Image 3 Tabs can be closed by swiping left and tapping "Close Tab". See Image 4. That's about it! Questions? Comments? Concerns? Example Scenario... You're reading a thread and get a notification. What do you do? Keep reading or deal with the notification immediately? With tabs, you can do both! Tap and hold the notification to open it in a new tab and return to the thread you were reading afterwards. You don't have to search for or navigate back to the thread - simply switch back to your previous tab.
